We'll try and cover everything here, but we don't know if the Qs are actually FA, so ask us if it's not here!

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Camping Info

Newly updated, thanks for all your RVSPs, we've got some updates incoming about camping...

First off there's loads more info now in the Camping Page

I am camping. When do I arrive?

Friday night from 5pm

If you have a bell tent booked then these will be pitched and ready for you. If you're camping in a normal tent, speak to us - we might be able to get your tent in advance and pitch it up for you.

If I am staying on Friday night, how do I get showered, dressed, and beautiful for the big day?

For showering - There are 3 showers on site. But we're a little worried they'll be very busy, but we're going to see what we can do, so you might want to not leave it too late to start getting ready.

For getting dressed - the normal way. We're not going to dress you. But if you mean it's hard to put on fancy clothes in a small tent, see below...

For getting beautiful - you already are. But if you like to build on top of a great thing, we'll try and get a 'beauty tent' together if people want to use hairdryers, straighteners, that kind of thing, so there'll be space and ways to get sorted don't worry. If you're booking a bell tent, they should have a lot of space to get dressed in.

Can I arrive on Saturday?

Sure thing. We just thought it might be nice to see you on Friday evening, but it's fine if you are busy and just want to come on the Saturday

What do I do for dinner on Friday evening?

We are not catering Friday night. We've got enough to do for Saturday and Sunday! But we'll give you options - there's a lovely pub nearby that we had lunch at after a venue visit, and we think it'd be a lovely place for everyone to meet up on Friday night, Just a few light drinks and early to bed - please don't be hungover for the Saturday morning! That'd make us really sad.

But we've got some other thoughts, maybe a BYO BBQ or something like that...watch this space.

Invitations and Guest info

When do I need to RSVP by?

It would be great if you can click on the email link and give us your answer (and other details) by 21 September. If you can do it sooner than that, so much the better.

Can I bring a plus 1?

Sorry, no, if someone wasn’t named on the invitation (you got this by email) then they’re not invited I’m afraid. We’re not doing reception-only invitation either - everyone who’s invited can come to the whole shebang. (Obviously let us know if you think we might have missed someone out by mistake!).

Can I bring my kids?

If they’re named on the invitation, they’re invited. But, if you’d rather leave them at home (properly supervised of course), feel free...when you RSVP just say they're not coming. If, between invitation and wedding, a new life appears...well, congrats!! They are of course welcome too, the little smilers. I'm sure we'll be in touch to discuss!

How do I tell you I’m coming and what my dietary requirements are?

We have sent an email to the “lead booker” containing a personalised link to RSVP (including any kids and significant others). The link will let you say you’re coming (yay) or not coming (waah) and then ask about dietary requirements.

Nathan is confident he's built a nice, easy process. But PLEASE don’t get stressed - if you want to use a traditional method of letting us know (best to email [email protected], but WhatsApp, text, phone are good too to), that’s cool too. If you do email or text us, and we don’t confirm, feel free to nudge us.

Will there be veggie/vegan/gluten free options etc?

Yes there will, but only enough for those who ask for it - you can tell us when you RSVP. We’ll take that as the gospel UNLESS you tell us of any changes - so while you can edit the details on the RSVP up until 1 March, you can also just tell us by emailing [email protected].

How do I get there?

First steps would be visiting the "Getting There" section

The Event


I assume there's a playlist I can contribute to...?

Yes! We'll probably have a playlist of guest-requests while people are arriving. There's a space to give us a couple of suggestions when you RSVP, or email [email protected] with your requests.

Is anything happening on the Sunday?

Oh yes! For those camping, you should wake up to tea/coffee and some form of hot food. For those staying in hotels, we’d love you to come back the following morning for brunch and a send off if you can.

What time do we need to leave?

If you’re staying elsewhere, you need to leave the site by half past midnight please (or we’ll lose our damage deposit).

On Sunday, we need to have cleared the venue by 3pm.

Survival Info


Will I need wellies if it’s wet?

Maybe. We will be the first wedding of the season and it’s not exactly Glastonbury, so we hope the ground won’t be too churned up even if it’s been wet. And there is flooring in the tipi and a decent amount of decking around the place. We’re pretty sure the grass will be nicely mown.

But if it’s super wet, you might end up with soggy toes, and no one can enjoy dancing with soggy toes. Plus if you’re camping, you might want to pull on wellies for that late night dash for a wee. So it might be an idea to have some ready and to check the forecast.

Is there phone signal?

There is some signal. We did a fast.com test. You’re probably going to have no problem WhatsApping or calling for taxis. You’re probably not going to manage Netflix. We only tested O2 and Three though.

Other info


Can we throw confetti?

Yes, BUT - only petals/leaves please. We lose our damage deposit if anyone uses non-biodegradable confetti, which would suck. We’ve been told that small petals are better than full sized!

And what about...

Info on gifts, photography, accommodation and parking can be found on the "About The Day" page

But what about...

Okay we forgot to mention something. Email [email protected] and both Alice and Nathan will see it.